We Are Reward Experts

We are here to help you where you need it

Reward Consulting

Reward Consulting

We offer a full range of consultancy services in the performance and reward field.

Interim & Outsourcing

Interim & Outsourcing

We can help you with interim ressources - experienced operators from Specialist up to VP level.

Executive Rewards

Executive Rewards

We have extensive experience with and offer a full range of advice on executive reward

Pay Transparency

Pay Transparency

We can help you get

ready for the EU Pay Transparency Directive as it enters into force by 2026.


Nordic Reward Partners offer a full range of consultancy services in the Rewards field. We work with organizations throughout Europe, operating as advisors or as an integrated part of your team. We have deep insight in the systems of all data providers, and we are independent of them all.

We Are Operators

We get things done. Any project, big or small. We provide interim Reward Specialists. Give us a call if you need a helping hand.

Need someone to fill in?

We can step in to fill a void or solve a specific challenge; we can work remotely or as part of your team; for just a short while, or as long as you need it.

We are Advisors

We find simple answers to complex issues. We help you see the the big picture - or focus on the finer details.

Need a sparring partner?

We can help you develop your Total Reward strategies and processes; we can also ensure the implementation, communication and governance.

We are Analysts

We combine complex analytics with common sense. We know data and we know how to listen.

Analysis & Benchmarking

We help you analyze all aspects of your organization's remuneration, providing insights and overview of your organization’s pay landscape and challenges.

After 15 years in global consultancies, and having established global Rewards in Falck, I saw the need for a new type of Reward consultancy. One based on true specialists and not traditional consultants. Nordic Reward Partners is therefore a personal dream come true. 

We work together with you in a true partnership and make your success our success. Our Specialists are are directly invested in the success of our brand and our deliveries, thus they will challenge you at every step of the process to ensure that you get the results you need and not a quick fix or a desk exercise.

We are not only partner driven; we want long term partnerships with our clients. We are Nordic Reward Partners.

Jon Sannes, Founder & CEO

Good with numbers, good with people

We have managed and worked for all the major data providers of the region. And we have also been their clients, having worked for some of the leading reward departments in the region. We provide simple solutions to complex questions, building on a foundation of good data, common sense and decades of experience.

Jon Sannes

Founder & Managing Partner

Jon is our leading partner, responsible for client relations and growth.

Anders Borgen

Senior Reward Specialist

Anders has extensive experience with global rewards from large Nordic companies incl. overall global processes and reward concepts.

Kenneth Stilling De Neergaard

Lead Reward Specialist

Kenneth is a highly experienced Global Rewards Specialist with a demonstrated history from the mechanical and industrial engineering industries.


Rasmus Tausen

Senior Reward Specialist

Rasmus has extensive experience in translating numbers into knowledge and provides guidance and advice with a “first-things-first”-attitude.

David Elkjær

Lead Reward Specialist

David is an experienced Rewards professional with a demonstrated history of working in the human resources industry.

Ditte Langwadt Guld

Reward Specialist

Ditte is a whiz at analyzing people data and optimizing HR processes. She also masters the art of Reward communications ensuring implementation from A-Z. 

Marie Ravnholt Sannes

Chief Marketing Officer

Marie is a versatile communicator with experience primarily from innovative international engineering organizations.

Rikke is a skilled Global Rewards professional, with a keen eye for aligning the global reward processes with the upcoming pay transparency requirements.  

Mattias Kläfbeck

RewardSmarter Sweden AB 

RewardSmarter is a Swedish company specilized in

automation of annual pay analyses with RewardSmarter’s Toolbox.

PayGap ApS

Pay Equity Software

We are cofounding this new Reward software thathelps companies ensure pay equity  and create pay transparency.

Darrel Lai Choo


Prometheans is a Mauritius based company, specialized in building and scaling Reward capabilities to attract, motivate and retain talents.


We have teamed up with the finest professionals across the global Rewards field in order to offer the best possible solutions to our clients.

Pay Transparency


The Pay Transparency Alliance is a coalition of European experts and solutions providers in the Pay Transparency field. 


Total Reward Software

The Benify platform provides a personal Total Reward Statement experience available anytime and anywhere through an app.


Job Structure Software

Gradar has created a brilliant tool that makes it easy ad simple to build and maintain a job architecture. 

Andreas Thaulow

Photographer & Video Journalist

Andreas creates VLOG episodes, photos and other content for our various channels. 



Come join a supportive team of the sharpest minds in the Nordic reward community - we are always on the lookout for great new colleagues.

Have experience? Or just potential? An expert or a generalist? At the top of your field or working to get there? A well known figure or a well kept secret?

Reach out by email, give us a call, and follow us on LinkedIn for news about specific job postings.

We would love for you to be part of our team.